Hi ,
Any reference to setup the distributed architecture on Azure. We referred AWS architecture diagram in that use of Auto Scaling Group at Executor level.
In Azure we can use the VM Scale Set feature for the same. Just wanted to know Auto scaling group in going to spun VM based on CPU/Memory Load. Do you have any documentation available what configuration is required at Auto scaling group to connect with knime server via RabbitMQ
Hi @netamitk,
We will release the AWS documentation related to the use of AS with cloud formation templates soon. We are then targeting to handle Azure next.
Are there any specific questions that you need help with? You can also reach out directly to sales@knime.com so we can get a better understanding of what you are trying to do.
Hi Roland,
Based on this https://docs.knime.com/201912/server_preview_functionality/index.html. which is currently in preview. RabbitMQ will be replaced with Qpid ???
Also as we are exploring features of knime large and we have setup rabbitmq with distributed executors .
Do we need to use Qpid in future ???
with this feature knime medium can also use distributed executor ??? or this is specific with knime large ?
Hi @netamitk,
Qpid allows you to use only one executor, which has to be located on the same host as Tomcat. I.e., it doesn’t replace RabbitMQ, but will exist alongside it. Qpid will replace the current RMI functionality.
All features related to distributed executors are only available for KNIME Server Large.