I am configuring my KNIME Server to run specific executors with specific user groups using the Executor Groups configuration method. I have confirmed I meet all the pre-requisites.
What syntax must be followed when providing the executor groups rules?
I have started with one group I’m calling “group1” (no quotation marks).
I’ve created a user group on the server called “group1” as well (again, without quotation marks).
In the KNIME Server Web Portal, I have defined the names of the executor groups with “group1” (no quotation marks) and the exclusivity rule of the executor group is “group=group1” (again, no quotation marks).
I’m running into problems trying to run jobs from people in the group1 user group, the error reads:
Could not run workflow ‘[workflow details]’:data: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: SSLHandshake Exception invoking [workflow details]:data: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.
This is a KNIME Server v 4.16 running on a Windows Virtual Server 2016 with distributed Executors on separate machines (The executors have already been confirmed to run this job before assigning Executor Groups)