Hi, I’m attempting to upgrade a KNIME Server Executor instance from version 3.7 to 4.0. I have already updated the server .war file successfully (to server version 4.9.1).
My server instance does not have GUI or internet access. I am attempting to run
./update-rmi.sh 'jar:file:/usr/org.knime.update.analytics-platform_4.0.1.zip!/' 'jar:file:/usr/palladian40.zip!/'
In order to update both the standard executor nodes and Palladian nodes. However, when doing so I am receiving errors of the form
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
I have attached a sample log file. I’ve tried to uninstall specific feature groups but removing one group appears just to produce conflicts with a new group. In short, it appears that update-rmi is unable to update most nodes from 3.7 to 4.1. Is this the expected behaviour? I haven’t seen it mentioned in the update guide. I’m guessing that I may need to reinstall the server executor from scratch, but I’m trying to resist doing that unless absolutely necessary.
Much appreciate any assistance.
1568349433485.log (16.7 KB)