KNIME to Fabric

Hello KNIMErs,

Has anyone figured out how to connect KNIME to Microsoft Fabric’s OneLake yet?

I’ve see a few posts, but most of them are closed without a clear solution.

I found the following blog on Medium, and followed the steps, but we cannot write to a table, nor see all the tables in the SQL endpoint.

Integrating KNIME with Microsoft Fabric Warehouse/Lakehouse | by Gökberk Uzuntaş | Low Code for Data Science | Sep, 2024 | Medium

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated!


Here is one error I’m getting. My guess is that the nodes aren’t playing nice with t-sql required for the lakehouse. Has anyone encountered this error?

Thank you!

Hello @Haystack ,

please make sure that you are connected to a Warehouse in Fabric since DML statements are only supported in Warehouses but not Lakehouses. This is a limitation of Microsoft and not KNIME. For more details on the limitations see the Microsoft documentation.
Please note that insertion of data using the DB Writer is very slow due to limitations of Warehouses in Fabric. We are aware of this limitation and work on supporting bulk upload to Fabric Warehouses via the DB Loader node (internal ticket is AP-22712).


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Thank you, @tobias.koetter!

Any indication for how soon full Fabric support will be available in KNIME? Will the ability to read/write from OneLake, Lakehouses, and Warehouses also be available?

Thank you!

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