Length is too low:0 error when using Parquet Reader

Hello KNIME Support Team.
When I read the data exported by Spark to Parquet back into Parquet Reader, the data is not read with the following error.

The total number of rows in the data is around 1000.

What setting is the problem? I didn’t have any options in Spark to Parquet other than pathing and I didn’t check Partitions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @JaeHwanChoi and sorry for the late reply,

It seems that there are other items other than parquet files in the directory you have entered and the reader node cannot read them. You can add filter by clicking on the “Filter options” button on top of the folder path and then add “parquet” as the file extension. This way files with “parquet” extension will only be read.

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