it seems that the column names for the probability values do no fit to the values.
I trained the classifier with 5 classes (4 active but different, 1 inactive). The prediction is done on the complete dataset, which additionally contains 3 more classes (2 inactive and my unknown samples). I get very good results (~95% accuracy), however it seems that the column names for the probability values are mixed up (see below). First, I filter the 5 classes, then I calulate the domain values new to avoid getting additional columns for classes without values, then I used the Learner, then the Predictor.
column 1: my target column (8 classes)
column 2-6: probablility columns (from leraning 5 classes)
last column: prediction
The column name of the probaablility column suppose to have the order of cARHGAP11Apool, cMock, cGFP_AM4626, cEct2pool and cEg5. This is what the data suggests.
I am using KNIME 3.1.2 on Windows 7.
ps: I just noticed that running LIBSVM in a loop demonstrates that the probability values are kind of randomly scattered amoung the probalility columns. Nevertheless the classification result is always the same and always correct (see second .png). This doesnt happen e.g. with the random forest node (see third .png)