Link point-based chemical data with XY coordinates of an image

Hello guys,

I have just started my Knime journey, so I’m a beginner user of the platform. Therefore, not sure if my question is a bit trivial.

I’m currently working with a spreadsheet containing chemical data of some materials that I’m studying and, for each analysis point, there is a correspondent XY coordinate. I also have a high resolution image of these materials.

My question is: Is it possible to somehow link these point-based chemical data through their XY coordinates listed on the spreadsheet, with the pixel coordinates of the image?

My main goal is to build a heat map of this image, using the chemical data (if possible).


Hi @Raphael_Bianchi


This is quite a specific use case of which I haven’t seen a lot of similar ones before on the forum. Therefore I’d highly recommend you uploading a dummy example and drafting your desired output and potential rules that could be relevant. That will highly increase the chance of you getting the desired help :wink:

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