Load embeddings from file into FAISS Vector store creator

Hi everyone,

The faiss vector store creator node notes the following in it’s description:

By default, the node embeds the selected documents using the embeddings model but it is also possible to create the vector store from existing embeddings by specifying the corresponding embeddings column in the node dialog.

Unfortunately I can’t figure out what data type the node requires to read the embeddings. So far I’ve tried to convert the embedding string to a list, but the creator node does not allow to select that.

Is there documentation about the inner workings of the node?

Hey @Ellison

You provide the model a list of embeddings. You can use the Text Embedder to create them or extract the embeddings from the Vector Store to a KNIME table using the Vector Store Data Extractor. Does this answer your question ?

All the Best


Hey LInus, thank you for your assistance.

I already have the embeddings in a simple csv created outside of knime. I now want to import these embeddings into the faiss vector store creator. I’ve interpreted the description in the way, that I can use the contents of a table. However I cannot select the column, containing the embeddings when formatted as a list.