I have multiple .csv files which all of them in 1 folder such as table1.csv, table2.csv, table3.csv… this is just an example, more than 3 files in the the folder. They have the same ‘id’ but all of them have different column name.
I try to write a loop use the following node: list files/folder → table row to variable loop start → csv reader → loop end, but the loop end say execute failed: input table structure different from reference (first iteration) table. I think it is just using for concatenate the table.
How could I loop files in a folder with join rather than concatenate? (i.e. the desire output table that I want)
Table1 to 3 csv and the desire output is as following:
Thanks! Loop End (Column Append) is useful!
I would like to know how could I only have one column of the ‘id’?
After Loop End (Column Append), it has column with id, id (Iter #1), id (Iter #2)…
I try to put the row ID node inside the loop, but there is no column for me to choose:
list files/folder → table row to variable loop start → RowID → csv reader → loop end (Column Append)
yes, of course. I execute list files/folder → table row to variable loop start.
any setting should I set at the 2 nodes?
Seems nothing that let me set…
you can carry out your loop as you did and use Column Filter after Loop End to leave only one (first) id column and remove all other containing word Iter. This can be done using regular expression in Column Filter node. Here is screenshot of flow together with Column Filter configuration.