Loop for vehicle definition

Good afternoon everyone, how are you?

Next, I need a lot of help.

1° I have a table with the forecast (Expected value for collection)

2° I have a table with the vehicle profile and capacity of each vehicle for a given region and the quantity I have available.

I need the best vehicle profile to be defined for each route and subsequently deducted from my stock. I will send some cases as an example.


example 1:

The last column is a division I made between forecast / capacity.

In this case, the ideal vehicle is the VUC as it has 60% and the others are above 100%.


And I had 6 VUC available, as this profile was selected it needs to be decreased to 5.

If the best option is zero, you should go to the 2 best.

Example 2 :


For this case I have a forecast of 27565 and my largest vehicle available is 1900, so I need 14 to meet this need, I need you to check if I have that quantity, and duplicate this line 14 times for example.

Knime_definição veículo.knwf (137.4 KB)

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@iCFO It’s something very similar to what you helped me with in the past, could you help me again please?

Hi @Gabriel2020,

I had a look ad your data and struggle to help you because there is no explanation to the column names and their values. If you could provide that context, support would be much easier.
