Good afternoon everyone, how are you?
Next, I need a lot of help.
1° I have a table with the forecast (Expected value for collection)
2° I have a table with the vehicle profile and capacity of each vehicle for a given region and the quantity I have available.
I need the best vehicle profile to be defined for each route and subsequently deducted from my stock. I will send some cases as an example.
example 1:
The last column is a division I made between forecast / capacity.
In this case, the ideal vehicle is the VUC as it has 60% and the others are above 100%.
And I had 6 VUC available, as this profile was selected it needs to be decreased to 5.
If the best option is zero, you should go to the 2 best.
Example 2 :
For this case I have a forecast of 27565 and my largest vehicle available is 1900, so I need 14 to meet this need, I need you to check if I have that quantity, and duplicate this line 14 times for example.