Make Settings Dialog for Workflow Editor accessible through Click-right on the Editor

Hi all,

This is simply an idea/suggestion from a “click-right” guy. It would be nice to be able to access the settings dialog for workflow editor accessible via click-right on the grid, in addition to the related icon that is already present in the upper part icon bar (and in the Node menu as well). As user wants to modify the settings of the workflow editor, making this capability accessible through click-right on the editor itself seems like a good way to enhance interactivity.



Hi @JackBibiRoot,

thanks for sharing that idea. I suppose you are referring to the “Workflow Editor Settings” where you can specify settings like grid size or curved connections. If I understood that correctly, your idea is to add a new entry for that to the context menu?

Hi @johannes.schweig,

Absolutely. If user can access the Workflow Editor Settings via context menu, that would be great - at least from my perspective :wink:
