Math Formula Node - Unable to parse m_expression Syntax error


i’ve got a problem with the math formula node in Knime.

I’m using a javascript view node to create an calculator widget. In this widget i can create formulas like this as a flowvariable on output:

$column1$ - $column2$

I now want to use an math forumula node to use this formula to do the calculations based on widget input.

When i try to use the flow variable as an input to the node (“expression” field in the flow variable input of the math node) i get the following error: “Unable to parse m_expression Syntax error

Do you have an idea what I’m doing wrong?
Does the expression field require an specific format? If yes, how do i change the format?

Best regards,

is there a chance that you can share a simplified example workflow?

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Hi Andreas,

i’ve attached a simplified version of my workflow.
Math Formula Node problem.knwf (83.0 KB)

If you need more information, let me know.

(my company uses KNIME 5.2.6)


Remove the   from the buttons in the html code. They are not considered as normal blanks and caused this error.

(I have to say this is really subtle :wink:)

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Oh I see.
I’d never thought this would be the problem.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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