Microsoft Authentication Interactive Login is not working

When I try to login using the “Interactive Login” option in Microsoft Interactive Authentication node, I get an error

" This site can’t be reached

localhost refused to connect.


I checked the proxy and firewall, all seem to be ok. Same interactive login is working with some other application.

What could be the problem?

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My Colleague is having the same problem, but I can connect as always. Any clue of this error cause?

I have the same issue :frowning:

I tried replicating this problem just now but wasn’t able to.

For anyone running into it, could you also upload the relevant bits of your knime.log, at the DEBUG level if possible?

I have the same problem.

ERROR Microsoft Authentication 3:1884 No Authorization code was returned from the server
ERROR Microsoft Authentication 3:1884 No Authorization code was returned from the server

Any update on how to solve this issue?

I have also same issue . So many time i want try for this solution but i didn’t get this . Anyone give us solution for this problem

Hi @Lantasch @lordbest @stock_james12

As mentioned by @ScottF, please help KNIME investigating this issue by providing your KNIME logs :wink:
Usually located in "..\KNIME Workspace\.metadata\knime\knime.log" or via the AP client (View → Open KNIME Log)

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