Hello webstar,
in order to access Sharepoint you need to give KNIME Analytics Platform the required access scopes. Otherwise KNIME will not be able to connect to the service and access the data within. This is nothing KNIME specific but part of the Microsoft security policies. To do so you need to have access to Sharepoint on two levels:
First level: OAuth permission (technically these are called “scopes”)
First, consent must be given to our registered Azure AD App (“KNIME Analytics Platform”) to access Sharepoint files on behalf of a user.
Consent can be given to our Azure AD App
- EITHER by the user: interactively in a browser window during the “Interactive Authentication” of the “Microsoft Authentication” node, IF organizational policies allow the user to do so.
- OR by the Azure AD admin
Specifically, our Azure AD App must be given the delegated permission “Sites.ReadWrite.All”:
The globally unique Application ID of our Azure Ad App is “cf47ff49-7da6-4603-b339-f4475176432b”, which can be useful for the admin to ensure that he is giving consent to the correct App.
Second level: The user herself must have permission to access a concrete SharePoint Online site. This can be done by assigning the user to the required groups and/or teams in Azure AD or the “Microsoft 365 admin center” (which is sort of a simplified version of Azure AD).
I hope this helps.