Microsoft Authenticator Node - Interactive Authentication Type Setup Help Request

Hi All,
I would like to use the interactive authentication type in MS Authenticator node to connection to sharepoint. I have read the tips suggested by @tobias.koetter in Microsoft Authentication/Sharepoint - #2 by tobias.koetter. In that post, it’s mentioned that we need to grant consent to the KNIME Azure AD App in Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory). But my question is, How do i onboard the KNIME Azure AD App in our Entra ID before i can even grant the necessary permissions? This is a mystery for me, please help out

Hi @ojderrick

apologies for the late reply. There are two ways to do this:

  • an Azure admin needs to walk through the interactive authentication of the Microsoft Authenticator once, at which point he/she will be prompted for consent. If the admin has granted consent, the app shows up and can be managed in the Azure portal under Azure Entra ID > Enterprise Applications > “KNIME Analytics Platform” (app id: cf47ff49-7da6-4603-b339-f4475176432b)

  • register your own app, in which case an admin can consent directly in the Azure portal, under Azure Entra ID > App Registration > “Your App” > API Permissions > Add a permission. Make sure to add delegated permissions, e.g. for Graph (-> Sharepoint) and then click “Grant admin consent…”.

Hope that helps,


Hi @bjoern.lohrmann ,

Thank you for the feedback.
I managed to get option 1 work already.

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