Microsoft Authenticator Node in New UI style, is it no longer possible to store token ?

My company requires us to update knime from 4.7 to 5.2, so I did it.
I’m not a big fan of the new interface so I went back to the classic view.

I understand that some nodes have been completely rewritten, so for some the classic view no longer exists.

This seems to be the case for Microsoft Authenticator. OK, why not, but in the old version there was an option that I liked: store token.

Is there a way to find this option in the new version of node?

Hello @Zarkoff95 ,
we removed this option from the new version of the node due to security concerns from users that workflows with stored session and refresh token are unintentionally shared with other users. Interactive authentication is primarily used for personal logins that use multifactor authentication that should not be shared with others.
The preferred way for scheduled workflows is to us a service account e.g. via the client/application secret method. If you are using the KNIME Hub you can manage interactive logins via the Secret Store. However due to security reasons this is only supported for personal secrets that cannot be shared with others.


Ok, so I’ll do without it.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and explain.


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