Microsoft SQL Server Connector Tempermentality

Good morning,

I have seen multiple other posts with others having issues with the Microsoft SQL Connector node, but I believe mine may be unique. I would be tempted to believe that this is not a KNIME issue, but something with my server, but I have not run into this problem in any other application I use (SQL Server Management Studio, python script, R, etc.).

It seems to me that there are some random times where the Microsoft SQL Server Connector node decides to stop working (I get a timeout error) with no change in configuration or settings. When it stops working in KNIME, I am still able to connect through any other means without restriction.

The only reliable fix that I have found is patience. If I reset my computer enough and/or reset KNIME enough, the node will begin to work again without any change in configuration.

I’m mostly posting this as a sanity check to see if anyone else has run into this issue, and if I’m lucky, possibly run into a solution.

Thank you in advance for any insight!