Modern UI Lacks Robust Data Selection in Table Views (vs. Classic UI)

Please implement more robust selection capability in the Modern UI when working with table output. The Classic UI allows you to select all and rows, the modern UI just lets you select by a rectangle select.

When working with data, especially large datasets one need the flexibility to select samples out of the data and do it quickly. The Modern UI table output currently doesn’t fit the bill. This is the major hurdle for me to transition legacy Classic UI users to Modern UI.

Hi @XiozTzu and thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

Have you tried holding the “Shift” key for selection? if you want to select an entire row or column, you can select the first cell, hold Shift key and select the last cell.

Does it solve the problem?

@armingrudd The shift key only works for small sets of data on the screen, so it is not very helpful.

In the Classic UI, you could use ctrl-A to select and then copy all the rows and columns. You could also, with a bunch of futzing, select an entire column.

In modern UI, pressing Ctrl-A just selects random stuff at the top of the window. So, if possible, capture the keystroke and have it select all the rows and columns that would be one addressable fix.

I have not found a good method for selecting everything in a column (including off-screen) in Modern UI.

Finally, in Modern IU, I don’t understand what the checkboxes on each row/header does. It doesn’t seem to affect selections, and it is not something that can be used in the filters. What is their purpose?

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Thank you @XiozTzu for your feedback,

I just created a ticket to add more keyboard shortcuts for cell selection in Table View (and embedded port view): UIEXT-1843

The selection events in the KNIME Views are shared across the same set of nodes not with the old JavaScript nodes (and vice versa).

@armingrudd Thank you so much for adding that ticket!

As to the selections, I still don’t understand what you mean. Could you elaborate?

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When you select (checkbox) a row in a table view for example, this selection is reflected to other views in your workflow. e.g., if you have a Scatter Plot connected to the same table, you will see the correspondign data point(s) highlighted.

Get it now, thank you!

If you have power to change the title of this thread. I accidently put vs Modern UI in title and meant to put vs Classic UI. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: