Monthly Sales Prediction

Hello everyone,
I aim to create a workflow that is able to make predictions about the current month sale volums of each day remaining (eg. today is 16th June → predictions about 17th,18th,19th and so on untill the end of the month). I have hisorical data from 2024-01-01. I also need to take into consideration the seasonality, as it regards a phisical store (sundays and other national off-days).
Do you guys know how to help me?

Historical_Data.xlsx (5.7 KB)

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Hey there and welcome to the Forum!

Not the expert in this matter, but I can give you some hints on how I’d try to tackle this problem:

I think you may want to check out the Time Series Examples on KNIME Hub to get started:

Simple example:

More complex:

There was also a recent Article on Medium from @deganza that is about using Facebooks fbProphet for this:

Workflow with fpProphet:

Good luck with your project :slight_smile:


Thank you for the meterials, you are so kind!

Is there someone who is “expert” in this field?

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