Moving Average (Simple exponential to use current day)


I’m new to the forum and Knime and need a little bit of direction.

I have two columns, date (String) and close (D), and want to take the simple exponential moving average of the close value. I’m unable to calculate the current/latest day’s moving average (it just shows as the close value). Is this how the node works? how would I be able to calculate the moving average of the current/latest moving average?

Appreciate the help!
moving average 3


Welcome to the Forum @rafante
You’re more likely to get help if you upload your data.

KNIME_project3.knwf (26.9 KB)
Thanks for the heads up! this is what i’m working on right now.

i feel that there it’s similar to this though i cannot replicate the solution.

I’m not an expert on this, but I think you need to reorder the data so the most recent data is at the bottom.
KNIME_project3.knwf (102.2 KB)


amazing this did the trick! thank you

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Glad to be of help. Please mark “solved”

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