Multiple errors in eclipse regarding new node project (including bundled example node)

I completed setting up my eclipse environment Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0), then I followed the instructions for installing the KNIME SDK I selected master branch.

Then I installed the New Node Wizard for eclipse and proceeded to the instructions for creating a new node

However both the example node project and the new node that I created have the same errors. When I try to launch Knime from debug mode in eclipse it gives the following


Full list of errors

BufferedDataContainer cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataContainer cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
BufferedDataTable cannot be resolved to a type
Bundle ‘org.eclipse.core.runtime’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.eclipse.core.runtime’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.base’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.base’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.workbench.core’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.workbench.core’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.workbench.repository’ cannot be resolved
Bundle ‘org.knime.workbench.repository’ cannot be resolved
BundleContext cannot be resolved to a type
BundleContext cannot be resolved to a type
BundleContext cannot be resolved to a type
BundleContext cannot be resolved to a type
CanceledExecutionException cannot be resolved to a type
CanceledExecutionException cannot be resolved to a type
CanceledExecutionException cannot be resolved to a type
CanceledExecutionException cannot be resolved to a type
DataCell cannot be resolved to a type
DataCell cannot be resolved to a type
DataCell cannot be resolved to a type
DataCell cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataColumnSpecCreator cannot be resolved to a type
DataRow cannot be resolved to a type
DataRow cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DataTableSpec cannot be resolved to a type
DefaultNodeSettingsPane cannot be resolved to a type
DefaultNodeSettingsPane cannot be resolved to a type
DefaultRow cannot be resolved to a type
DefaultRow cannot be resolved to a type
DialogComponentNumber cannot be resolved to a type
DialogComponentNumber cannot be resolved to a type
DoubleCell cannot be resolved to a type
DoubleCell cannot be resolved to a type
DoubleCell cannot be resolved to a variable
DoubleCell cannot be resolved to a variable
ExecutionContext cannot be resolved to a type
ExecutionContext cannot be resolved to a type
ExecutionMonitor cannot be resolved to a type
ExecutionMonitor cannot be resolved to a type
ExecutionMonitor cannot be resolved to a type
ExecutionMonitor cannot be resolved to a type
IntCell cannot be resolved to a type
IntCell cannot be resolved to a type
IntCell cannot be resolved to a variable
IntCell cannot be resolved to a variable
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
InvalidSettingsException cannot be resolved to a type
NodeDialogPane cannot be resolved to a type
NodeDialogPane cannot be resolved to a type
NodeFactory cannot be resolved to a type
NodeFactory cannot be resolved to a type
NodeLogger cannot be resolved
NodeLogger cannot be resolved
NodeLogger cannot be resolved to a type
NodeLogger cannot be resolved to a type
NodeLogger cannot be resolved to a type
NodeLogger cannot be resolved to a type
NodeModel cannot be resolved to a type
NodeModel cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsRO cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsRO cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsRO cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsRO cannot be resolved to a type
Unknown extension point: ‘org.knime.workbench.repository.nodes’
The method reset() of type TestNodeModel must override or implement a supertype method
The method modelChanged() of type TestNodeView must override or implement a supertype method
The method hasDialog() of type TestNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method onClose() of type TestNodeView must override or implement a supertype method
The method onOpen() of type TestNodeView must override or implement a supertype method
The method getNrNodeViews() of type TestNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method getNodeModel() is undefined for the type TestNodeView
The method createNodeView(int, TestNodeModel) of type TestNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method createNodeModel() of type TestNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method createNodeDialogPane() of type TestNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method addDialogComponent(DialogComponentNumber) is undefined for the type TestNodeDialog
Unknown extension point: ‘org.knime.workbench.repository.nodes’
The import org.osgi cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The method addDialogComponent(DialogComponentNumber) is undefined for the type MyExampleNodeNodeDialog
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The method createNodeModel() of type MyExampleNodeNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method getNrNodeViews() of type MyExampleNodeNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The method createNodeView(int, MyExampleNodeNodeModel) of type MyExampleNodeNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The method hasDialog() of type MyExampleNodeNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The method createNodeDialogPane() of type MyExampleNodeNodeFactory must override or implement a supertype method
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The method reset() of type MyExampleNodeNodeModel must override or implement a supertype method
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.knime cannot be resolved
The import org.eclipse cannot be resolved
StringCell cannot be resolved to a variable
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
StringCell cannot be resolved to a type
StringCell cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
StringCell cannot be resolved to a variable
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
RowKey cannot be resolved to a type
RowKey cannot be resolved to a type
Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
NodeView cannot be resolved to a type
NodeView cannot be resolved to a type
SettingsModelIntegerBounded cannot be resolved to a type
RowKey cannot be resolved to a type
RowKey cannot be resolved to a type
NodeView cannot be resolved to a type
The import org.eclipse cannot be resolved
The import org.osgi cannot be resolved
Plugin cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsWO cannot be resolved to a type
NodeSettingsWO cannot be resolved to a type
The import org.knime.core cannot be resolved
NodeView cannot be resolved to a type
The method modelChanged() of type MyExampleNodeNodeView must override or implement a supertype method
The method getNodeModel() is undefined for the type MyExampleNodeNodeView
The method onClose() of type MyExampleNodeNodeView must override or implement a supertype method
The method onOpen() of type MyExampleNodeNodeView must override or implement a supertype method

It looks like your Target Platform may not of either fully resolved or been applied. To check, try opening the relevant *.target file from the org.knime.sdk.setup project, and try the reload button. Once that has completed (it may take quite some time the first time round), then you should be able to click on ‘Set as Target Platform’ at the top of the Target Definition editor window:


You should probably also check that under the project menu in eclipse, ‘Build Automatically’ is checked:


And also, if you still have errors, try the Clean... option from the same menu, selecting the Clean all projects option.

Hope that helps,


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It worked.after it finished reload target platform.
Thank you!

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