Multiple strings with multiple data join

Good afternoon guys,

I have 2 columns with strings that I would like to combine in a specif way, i will show you the example of the imput I have and the output I am desiring to obtain

Input information:

As you can see on the selected cells, there is a case where there are duplicate information on the same level (Before and after first comma in all columns).

The intention is to gather all the first Level in one string and concatenate it with the second level and so on so forth, it will not have a certain amount of ocurrences, so it could vary

Here is the result I would get, considering remove the duplicates as the highlighted case on the following image

Screenshot 2024-12-19 161343

What would be the best aproach? I just cant figure it out

Could you share some sample data rather than just a screenshot? Also what do you mean by “it will not have a certain amount of ocurrences, so it could vary”?

Hi @Eduardo_Marrufo

And welcome to KNIME Forum.

Did you check out the Column Aggregator node. There is the option to concatenate strings, and keep only unique values.

gr. Hans