My Regression Model is not correlating data

How can I make my regression model accept all factors? as seen here, the price is not correlating to many of the other factors (like city, make, model, and other important factors:

This is my first time creating a regression model, so I understand I may have missed some steps. I’m getting the current error:
“Columns “model”, “trim”, “exterior_color”[…] have too many different values - will be ignored during training”
I believe this is what is causing my issue. How can I resolve this?

This is what the workflow looks like at the moment:

@cezerman welcome to the KNIME forum.

You could try and increase the number of allowed possible values, although this might create other problems.

If one of the two columns contains more possible values than specified in the dialog (default 50), the correlation will not be computed.

Then you could try and reduce the dimensions thru several measures like the nodes suggested here:

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maybe you could “bin” your data.


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