Need advice on my POC requirement -Move the stock from one store to another store

Hi All,
I am looking for advice to complete my POC request.


Move the low priority warehouse store stock’s (Weekly available stock) to Demand require warehouse store based on the SKU levels.

1)Identify the Demand require warehouse stores and find unique SKU.

  1. Based on SKU level, to find the relevant Low priority warehouse store, if low priority warehouse stores stock available, move though stocks to right Demand require warehouse store based on SKU level. If low priority warehouse store stock quality lower than require demand, check another lower priority warehouse store by sku level and move it.
    WarehoureStockMove.xlsx (10.8 KB)

Source file: Below the Stock & Demand

Low Priority Warehoue:sheet

Hi @ravishing1984,

thanks for sharing the example data. I can’t quite follow what goals you want to accomplish. Can you rephrase your points into single bullets please?


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