@gozcubukcu welcome to the KNIME forum. You might want to take a look at this example. Also: could you provide us with the R code oder the whole workflow:
With the help of KNIME components and the R (collection R | official R ) package ggplot2 you could create a violin plot with a lot of additional statistics in one chart. The KNIME component makes it easy to configure the options even if you are not familiar with R code.
Violin plots are very effective to show the structure of numeric variables and compare them across different groups. Their width represents the number of cases that would have the values on the y-axis. It is widely used e.g. as a…
Since this is an assignment one ode could be to adapt your example in this fashion and use that so you would have contributed to the task
@Timoalt welcome to the KNIME forum. As it happens I am preparing a few examples of advanced graphics with KNIME and used your question to adapt an example of Stacked Bars with Grouped Barplots .
In you case it might be
Region = group
Year = facet
Satisfaction = stack
Percentages = value
You would have to prepare the data accordingly. The values would be taken as they are so you will have to calculate your percentages before (and make sure they add up to 100% per sub-group). And y…