Need to change the values in nominal row filter widget based on the output of another filter

I have a dataset on which I want to apply two filters based on Model and Year. I’m using two Nominal Value Row filter widgets to filter column my data. I want to make it so that the changes in the Model widget will change the values displayed in my year widget i.e. only the years that have the selected models are visible in my year widget. Is there any way to do this?

Can you share your current workflow with data anonymized if necessary? Can you describe why its currently not working correctly?

Not 100% sure I know what you’re after. Try this:


Suppose I was to search for the Germany in my search bar. I only want Germany to be visible in my twin list Country filter after searching for Germany.

I want the values in Include to change as per changes in my other filter

I’m totally confused. My workflow does what you initially described. You need to provide a clear description of your data and what you want to do. Are you filtering on country and then year? Can you share an actual dataset?

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I went through the component that you shared it is very close to what I wanted to do. Thanks for the help

The correct term for this concept is “cascade”.

When you filter a value and the result cascade through the next filters.

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