Need to concat/join the columns that coming in the cell.

As seen below (first screenshot), these two column(s) or columns like these are created dynamically.
That comes from the Mapping file (second screenshot). That tells us which column will have what logic.

Now, I get the logic and know “Combination” is the key word that identifies these kinds of column in the table (it can be multiple for different columns)

How to implement it?

What do you want the output to look like?

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In column “Employee Name Combination Column Name” the value should be picked from toUpper(join(column("First Name),column("Last Name")) by using its content.

(I didn’t include this part in question but after above operation, I have to rename Employee Name Combination Column Name to Employee Name)

The only problem is right now the column name is Employee Name Combination Column Name but the name is creating dynamically.

If I will change the mapping and remove or add another mapping, this column will disappear and another “XXXXX Combination Column Name” will appear.

I want to handle the manipulation logic from the Excel File and make the workflow change logic according to the mapping file.

If you or anyone can tell other way it can be done dynamically I can apply that as well.

Can you provide some sample input and output data? That would make it a lot easier to try to help.

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Problem.knwf (76.3 KB)

@rfeigel I have explained the scenarios in this workflow. I need a solution in 5.2.5 Please :frowning:
Thanks in advance.

The logic file can be changed. For example, you can try removing one logic at one execution. For example: When you keep JOIN, remove PAD. If you keep PAD, remove the JOIN row.

I’m not sure that I completely understand all of you stipulations. Regardless, I think this workflow does what you want.

Create Employee Table rev 1.knwf (109.6 KB)

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Thank you so very much I will see it today.

I cannot do this if the condition is not in the Logic file. This is not a necessary task; it is only necessary if it is mentioned in the logic file.

This column will be coming from the Logic File.

This Workflow should be made once, and a logic file will orchestrate its logic. I cannot pick the column directly because I don’t know if there is even logic for this column.

Thank you so much, @rfeigel, for giving me the logic. It worked with
minor modifications in the logic you have posted. This is a partial implementation, but I know it will work.

I have created another file that dynamically removes the First and Last Names using the Table Validator Reference node.

I don’t know if looping the source table will work or not. What will happen if I keep adding the new column with logic? But I have to check.

Problem.knwf (128.2 KB)

I built a workflow based on the data and desired output you supplied. I don’t understand “I cannot pick the column directly because I don’t know if there is even logic for this column.” What column are referring to?

It is okay, And your logic helped. So Thanks a lot. We can close this.