Could someone post an explanation of how to set the credential and connection nodes for Neo4j in Knime.
Could someone post an explanation of how to set the credential and connection nodes for Neo4j in Knime.
you can have a look at the Neo4j documentation find some example URLs. In my case for a local installation the URL is: bolt://localhost:7687
Regarding authentication the node supports only basic authentication which is described here.
Here you can find more information about how to create a user in Neo4j.
I’m trying to run the example workflow “Chemistry documents semantics by Redfield.” I get the following error message:
ERROR Neo4j Connection 3:20917:0:15 Execute failed: Unable to connect to localhost:7687, ensure the database is running and that there is a working network connection to it.
Sorry for being so obtuse, but I’m still stuck.
do you have Neo4j installed on your local machine? If not you need to do so if you want to work with it. The nodes only provide a connection to the graph database but do not come with it build in.
If you want to play around with networks and do not want to install Neo4j you can also have a look at the KNIME Network Mining extension. This includes everything you need to work with networks. To get started have a look at these examples.
I have Neo4J Desktop installed locally. Do I have to do something in Knime to point to it?
you need to start the Neo4J console via <NEO4J_HOME>\bin\neo4j console. Once the console is running it lists the Bolt port and the remote interface (Web UI) address.
Use the Bolt address in the Neo4J Connector node e.g. bolt://