New UI blurry aspect (and also python script node)

Hi everyone,
The main reason why I haven’t switched from the old to the new UI yet is that in the modern UI the visualization seems less defined and a bit blurry to me, especially the fonts. Below is an example…I know, it’s not night and day, but everything seems less in focus in the new UI and after a while it disturbs my vision.

Also, even the script in the new Python scripting node is really unreadable to me (this is both in the new and the old UI).

Is it just my problem? Maybe something to do with my settings?


Hi, @Jaqen79

Your attention to detail is impressive!

Due to the use of distinct technology stacks, the modern UI and the classic UI will render differently. Of course, this is certainly a problem, and I’m just talking about the source of this difference.

Additionally, I’d like to inquire about the operating system you are using. If it’s a Mac, this discrepancy may be more pronounced.

Hi @Jaqen79 and thank you for sharing your feedback.

There is already a ticket regarding the issue you mentioned. (AP-11369)


Thanks for the answer! Yeah, I’m pretty picky about software UI :stuck_out_tongue: The point is that I work a lot with Knime, it’s really important to me to have readable and non-fatiguing fonts.

BTW, I’m using a Windows-based laptop with an Inter Iris Xe video card.

That’s a great news! Thanks a lot

I also have the feeling that the editor is very low-contrast? Sort of grey on white?


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