No more Date&Time Nodes in L1-DW?

Dear KNIMErs,

I am running through my slides (2022-08 and 2023-02 versions) of the official KNIME curriculum. In the older one (from August 2022) I see that there is a section about Date/Time data but in the newer version (and it’s accompanying .knar file) there’s not.

Has the exam been adjusted as well? I want to make sure that I tech my students exam relevant stuff and don’t want to skip anything important.

I wonder if there could be maybe a changelog post somewhere to see what changes over the iterations of the material (maybe there is and I just didn’t see it).

Hi @kowisoft ,
I’ll tag my colleague @Schalk here, who could help you with the query regarding the L1-DW curriculum.


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Hi @kowisoft,

To answer your question here as well:

Has the exam been adjusted as well? I want to make sure that I tech my students exam relevant stuff and don’t want to skip anything important.

Yes, the certification exam and the curriculum are synced.

Thanks for the suggestion of the changelog, we will think of a way to communicate such changes in the future.



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