No Publish option in Eclipse when Creating Extensions for Knime 5.3.1

Hello everyone. I ahve been enjoying learning on this forum for a while but this will be my first post.

I have followed the SDK setup (GitHub - knime/knime-sdk-setup: KNIME Analytics Platform - SDK Setup)- and the node quickstart guide (Create a New Java based KNIME Extension) to create my first custom knime node. The example node runs fine from eclipse and i have tested to use it in a workflow from there.

My problem arises when I try to publish the node. There are two options listed in the guide: Local Update Site and dropin. Neither work for me.

Local update site has the problem of my UI not corresponding to what i see in the guide. The Guide shows this step:

While my version of eclipse looks like this:

For dropin i can follow the process all the way through, but when I drop the .jar file into the dropin folder and start knime, no node show up. Even after restart of knime.

Could some kind soul point me in the right direction as to what might be going on here? :slight_smile:

I have progressed by going to File->New->Other->Plug-in Deployment->Update Site Project and continuing the quick-start guide from there.

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The next issue I ran into is in this step:

" After building has finished, you can now point KNIME Analytics Platform to this folder (which now contains a local Update Site) to install the Extension. To do so, in KNIME Analytics Platform open the Install New Software…​ dialog, click on the Add button next to the update site location, on the opening dialog click on Local…​ , and choose the folder containing the Update Site. At last, give the local Update Site a name and click OK . Now, you can install the Number Formatter Extension like any other plug-in. "

I don’t know where to find the Install New Software feature in knime. There is Menu → Install Extensions but i don’t seem to have any option to select a local folder from there.

This was solved by switching to classic user interface where the UI matches the Quickstart description.

The plugin now installed via Update Site. I can see it as installed:

However, searching for the node, I only get the Knime HCS Tools version. I cant see my own node.

Narrowed down problem to the Node factory not being set up correctly. This is weird as it has not been changed from the auto generated example code.

Removing the HCS extension seems to have solved the factory error. The node does still not show up in the node list. Both for dropin and updates site.

What’s best practices here? As the question has evolved since my initial asking should I mark it as solved and open a new one?

By running knime from command line I got a more verbose error message:

“Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/knime/example/ExampleNodeNodeFactory has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 66.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 61.0”

The problem is that if I try to compile my extension with jre lower than 22 my ant script will complain.

Is there any way to set the target JRE in knime to the more recent jre 22 that I have installed locally?

Continued in: Can't get custom node to show up in knime

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