No Rule Engine Lesson in L1-DW?

Dear KNIMErs,

I just looked through the official curriculum and discovered in the most current presentation I have there is nothing about the Rule Engine Node.

Is that really true that this is not “in scope” for L1-DW? Especially considering your latest focus on “escaping spreadsheet hell” :wink: this is a little bit strange as the Rule Engine (and the Column Expressions) Node is THE replacement for the probably most popular Excel function: the IF-Formula.

Thanks for some feedback


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And this String Manipulation node trick that I learned from @takbb

Dear @kowisoft ,

We are on the same page there, the Rule Engine is so essential and can’t be left out in our courses.
I did a quick double-check and, luckily, I can confirm that it is part of our self-paced and instructor-led material for L1-DW. Which material did you check out?


Personally, I am a big fan of the Column Expression node… but good catch! :wink:

Same here. My most used node by a long shot!

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Thank you for the feedback. I don’t know how I could miss it. I redownloaded the file and there it comes exactly where I have remembered it (after the Missing Value Node slide). Sorry for the confusion, maybe I accidentally deleted it.

SORRY again!


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