🚀 NodePit is ready for KNIME 5.2

Hey NodePit fans and supporters!

NodePit is ready for KNIME 5.2 and KNIME 5.3 Nightly :partying_face: Select your preferred KNIME version via our version selector or let our KNIME extension select it for you.

You don’t want to use the latest KNIME release, but require an older version? No worries! We provide you with information for nodes, products, extensions, components, and workflows for altogether 14 (!) KNIME versions (v3.6 … v5.3 Nightly).

Drop us a message or mail us with your questions and feedback. Always happy to hear from you!

Best regards,


Timely as usual. Great job, thank you @danielesser!

There’s a 5.2 download link for the Selenium Nodes available since this morning (https://download.seleniumnodes.com/5.2) - could you add it? Thanks! :pray:

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The early bird… et cetera et cetera :slight_smile:

The update site of the Selenium Nodes for KNIME 5.2 has been indexed and its content is available here:

Best regards,

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I installed Nodepit in 5.2 and it wiped out the node repository.

I installed the entire Nodepit package.

Hi @rfeigel,

Thanks for the clarification. It turned out, the recent changes in the Modern UI where not compatible with the Sentry Nodes and the NodePit Runner Nodes. We just released fixes for both extensions to solve the issue.

Please use the well-known NodePit update site to get the latest versions:


Please make sure to not install (or uninstall if already installed) the extension Palladian for KNIME: Deprecated Nodes (depends on KNIME Textprocessing). This is based on KNIME’s Textprocessing which seems to be broken too – and thus as it is out of our control requires a mitigation from KNIME.

Best regards,


Same problem for me after installing NodePit (5.2!): Empty node repository after installing NodePit in Modern UI.
Uninstalling Sentry Nodes did the trick. (No effect of uninstalling NodePit and NodePit Runner Nodes)
Many thanks for the tip!

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