NodePit is Ready for KNIME 5.4

Hello NodePit fans and supporters!

Drum roll… news regarding NodePit and its compatibility with KNIME 5.4:partying_face:


NodePit is now aware of KNIME 5.4 and KNIME 5.5 Nightly. You can choose your preferred KNIME version via our version selector or let our KNIME extension choose it for you. You don’t want to use the latest KNIME release but need an older version? No worries! We provide information on nodes, products, extensions, components and workflows for a total of 16 (!) KNIME versions (v3.6 … v5.5 Nightly).

NodePit Extensions

Our various free and commercial Node Extensions such as Palladian, OpenAI Nodes, or DeepL Nodes are now available for KNIME 5.4 and can be downloaded from the update site below. Please make sure to always use the correct update site for your version of KNIME.

Drop us a message or mail us with your questions and feedback. Always happy to hear from you!

Best regards,


Still doesn’t appear after update.