NodePit, your search engine for KNIME nodes and workflows

+++ Update +++

Dear KNIME community! As usual, we’d like to keep you up-to-date about what has happened on NodePit. We are happy to announce two new features that will hopefully make your life much easier:

NodePit Versions

NodePit is now officially supports versions! We index nodes and workflows for each KNIME version individually, so we are able to provide you a customised search experience for your particular KNIME version. You are using KNIME 3.6? Just set NodePit to KNIME 3.6. If you are using the NodePit for KNIME plugin, this is already done automatically for you. And guess what: We already have the latest nightly build indexed for you!


NodePit Developers

We are planning to put additional focus on you, developers. And we already got started: Finding the source code for existing nodes is now much easier. Just hit the “Take Me to the Source” button and we are searching the source code for you. Besides, we introduced the new section “Products”. Create a landing page for your extension and make it known to a larger audience. This it how it looks like for example for Palladian.

On behalf of the whole team, thank you for your incredible support and awesome feedback. Keep pushing us!

Best regards,


That’s very nice! I’ve just discovered the barcodes “product” - saves me writing my own!



Recent update 2.3.3 fixes an issue which would sometimes show “NodePit is currently not reachable. Please check your Internet connection!” despite the connection is working fine when running behind a proxy. Kudos and many thanks to one of our enterprise users from Japan who helped us to diagnose and fix the problem.

– Philipp


+++ Update +++

In case you have missed: Yesterday, we onboarded KNIME 4.1 and 4.2 Nightly to NodePit! Watch out for the version selector and choose your preferred KNIME version. No worries if you are using NodePit for KNIME as it already selects the right version for you.

Feel free to have a look what’s new in the KNIME 4.1 Changelog and find the equivalent new nodes and workflows on NodePit. Please let us know in case you encounter any issues or problems with the most recent update!

Some starting points recommended by us:

Best regards,


+++ Update +++

Silently – but I am pretty sure some of you have noticed – we have added support for KNIME components to NodePit Space and brought this functionality to NodePit for KNIME, too.

Well guys! Sounds great, but tell me what this actually means? :face_with_monocle: – Pretty simple. You now can upload, download and link your components to NodePit from within the KNIME Analytics Platform. Easy and simple as you already can do this for plain old workflows. In addition, if you decide to put your components into your public folder, these will be indexed and publicly available on NodePit:

Big thanks to @armingrudd for testing the new functionality and providing one of the first components at all, namely the Persian (Jalali) and Gregorian Date Converter :partying_face::confetti_ball:

Besides this, we greatly improved the speed and responsibility of NodePit Space by using sophisticated caching. Managing dozens or hundreds of workflows and components feels like working locally now. Another gem we are really proud of is the ability to upload complete folders with workflows and components. Upload/download all your workflows at once!

Our changelog can be found here. If you encounter any issues or want to provide feedback, just let us know!

Best regards,


+++ Update +++

Great news! We finally finished onboarding KNIME 4.2 and KNIME 4.3 Nightly to NodePit! Watch out for the version selector and choose your preferred KNIME version.

Feel free to have a look what’s new in the KNIME 4.2 change log and find the equivalent new nodes and workflows on NodePit. Some starting points recommended by us:

Have fun exploring new nodes, components, and workflows. And stay tuned. The next big thing is already on its way! :partying_face:

Also please let us know in case you encounter any issues or problems with the most recent update!

Best regards,


+++ Update +++

We are thrilled to announce we have finished onboarding KNIME 4.3 and KNIME 4.4 Nightly to NodePit! You can switch to your preferred version using the version selector in the upper right corner (see screenshot). NodePit for KNIME already selects the right version for you.

The change log of KNIME 4.3 can be found here. Enjoy new nodes, components, and workflows.

Besides, Team NodePit hasn’t been lazy during the last weeks…

We just released the brand-new Dropbox Nodes and improved them already based on your awesome feedback. Expect to hear more about these nodes during the next days.

In parallel, we have published a blog post about why we do NodePit, how we started the project and where we are heading towards. Read more about it in the Cloud&Heat Blog.

Lastly, we are making great progress with the next big thing, we internally just call NPR, and already onboarded a couple of beta testers. Stay tuned and expect announcements about what this is and how you can use it during the next weeks. Or just drop us a line if you can’t wait for it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Best regards,

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Hi NodePit users,

heads up: We’re aware that the recent KNIME 4.4 update does not play well with the NodePit plugin. We’re working on a fix until end of the week and recommend to wait with your update!

If you already updated and you experience issues with the “Explorer” view we recommend to temporarily disable the NodePit Space in your Preferences under KNIME → KNIME Explorer and restart KNIME.

We’ll keep this thread updated!



Ladies and Gentlemen: YOU MAY NOW UPDATE!


Thanks to our NodePit super hero and spin doctor @danielesser who fixed this in the blink of an eye. Make sure to that you’re running the NodePit plugin v2.6.1 for KNIME 4.4 which is available from the following update site:

So, this was the fix. But there’ll be more exciting things to reveal soon!

– Philipp


+++ Update +++

We are thrilled to announce we have finished onboarding KNIME 4.4 and KNIME 4.5 Nightly to NodePit ! You can switch to your preferred version using the version selector in the upper right corner (see screenshot). NodePit for KNIME already selects the proper version for you.

Besides NPR (a.k.a “Run, Workflow, Run!”) is making great progress. Plenty of feedback during our closed beta enabled us to add the functionality you actually need and continue to harden the whole service to make it rock solid. We are looking forward to move this into a public beta soon. Stay tuned! :partying_face:

Best regards,


The NodePit Plugin version 2.6.3 which we just released fixes a NullPointerException issue when NodePit has been added to the Explorer view, but no credentials were configured (see here, kudos to @bobpeers for bringing this to our attention!)


+++ Update +++

Here we go! :partying_face: NodePit is ready for KNIME 4.5 and KNIME 4.6 Nightly. Select your preferred KNIME version via our version selector or let our KNIME extension select it for you.

You don’t want to use the latest KNIME release, but require an older version? No worries! We provide you with node, product, extension, component, and workflow information for altogether 9 (!) KNIME versions (v3.6 … v4.6 Nightly).

Drop us a message with your questions and feedback. Always happy to hear from you!

Best regards,


Thanks great work. Is Notepit updated with the extensions automatically when already installed in a prior knime version?

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Hi @Daniel_Weikert :wave:

Yes. The NodePit plugin is aware of your KNIME version and shows you the proper content for your current version. Thus, nothing you have to do after updating the KNIME Analytics Platform to 4.5.

If you need to do a fresh installation of KNIME 4.5 for some reason, don’t forget to use the latest update site to pull NodePit for KNIME:

Best regards,