Not able to find redshift node in knime 4.2.2

I am not able to find redshift node in knime 4.2.2(for Mac) version.

Can you please help me to find it or do I need to install any extension ?

Thank you

Hi @ShinagdeS and welcome to the forum.

The easiest way to install the extension is via drag-and-drop from the KNIME Hub. Can you try dragging in, for example, the Amazon Redshift Connector from the Hub to your KNIME workflow editor? If you don’t already have the extension installed, you will be prompted to install it. (If you do, the node should just appear.)

There’s an animated gif on the Hub About page that demonstrates what this looks like.


Hi @ScottF. Thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face:.
Drag and drop was very helpful and was able to find node.

Thank you