Octa Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

We are currently running the KNIME AP 4.5.2. Our company has been using Octa authentication for some time and we have successfully used KNIME to Snowflake with no issues in the underlying authentication pieces. Our security are wants to enable the multi factor authentication piece and our KNIME workflows fail in testing. We believe what is happening is that Octa is sending a “challenge” response back to the client to have them authenticate with the Duo security app and that KNIME cannot handle that challenge response. Is there any way to do an Octa MFA authentication currently? If not, are there any plans to support an MFA challenge at some point? As security tightens down this is becoming more prevalent, especially when using cloud based resources.
Thank you

Hi Steven,

Thanks for bringing up this topic. We also see the emerging need for simple usage of security features, I will put a +1 for you on this initiative.
For now I can suggest to set up an authentication to Snowflake with OAuth token: JDBC Driver Connection Parameter Reference — Snowflake Documentation
I did not try it out, but in theory you can also add the SSO parmeters to the JDBC string or as JDBC parameters, see it here: Okta SSO with Snowflake – Part 2: JDBC SQL Tools – Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence: Cloud, Snowflake, Tableau, etc.

Thanks to James Weakley we also have a nice blog on how he set up MFA in his environment- though this might not cover your use case completely: Multi-factor Auth for KNIME Server | KNIME

I hope this helps,


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