I have an Excel file with data and with images of Dose response curves of compounds. Now I like to open this file in Knime for data manipulation and to export each image of a dose response curve to a separate file in a directory.
Could not find a module that can open an Excel file with images in it
Does someone know a solution for this?
Hi @RonG,
I created a solution in KNIME based on Tip 2 on this page:
that extracts the images and reads them into KNIME, if you need them copied to a specific output directory instead, just replace the Image Reader node with a Copy/Move Files node. Extract Images from Excel File.knwf (29.8 KB)
thanks for your proposed solution, but get an error message. After the Unzip module the Row Filter module is empty. there are no png files created.
As an example I have added an Excel file with some pictures of curves in it. And these curves need to be exported as png files with the name of the CompoundId from column A. (eg Comp_001.png)
Hi @RonG,
the problem is that the file is saved as .xls and not as .xlsx the second format supports extracting images via unzipping, the first one does not. I opened the file with Excel and saved it as a .xlsx file, then everything went well. The workflow extracted the green blobs: