Optimization loops for smoothing in Moving Averages

How to configure the nodes in optimization loops to discover the best parameter in Moving Averages to smooth line plots?

Dear Knimers,
In order to clearify my former doubt:
I am currently working with Time Series (TS), and selected an Interrupted Time Series (ITS) to analyse distinct trends on open data comparing those three periods.
These series show fluctuations, and I tried the Moving Average node to smooth the plot lines, with [Moving Average – KNIME Community Hub].
Under a simple visual analysis using a series of plots with different values for the “window lenght” parameter, those plots do now seem to have an uniform and obvious seasonality. I post here these the three CSV files I configured:
a) Pre-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_PRE-.csv (828 Bytes)
b) Trans-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_TRANS-.csv (1.9 KB)
c) POST-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_POST-.csv (722 Bytes)
I ask for any help of Knime users/members, aiming to identify regular patterns on these data, after grouping them by month.
Thanks you all, guys.
Waiting for a helping hand,

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