How to configure the nodes in optimization loops to discover the best parameter in Moving Averages to smooth line plots?
Dear Knimers,
In order to clearify my former doubt:
I am currently working with Time Series (TS), and selected an Interrupted Time Series (ITS) to analyse distinct trends on open data comparing those three periods.
These series show fluctuations, and I tried the Moving Average node to smooth the plot lines, with [Moving Average – KNIME Community Hub].
Under a simple visual analysis using a series of plots with different values for the “window lenght” parameter, those plots do now seem to have an uniform and obvious seasonality. I post here these the three CSV files I configured:
a) Pre-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_PRE-.csv (828 Bytes)
b) Trans-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_TRANS-.csv (1.9 KB)
c) POST-Covid-PHEIC:
Monthly_Sum(TotBRL)_POST-.csv (722 Bytes)
I ask for any help of Knime users/members, aiming to identify regular patterns on these data, after grouping them by month.
Thanks you all, guys.
Waiting for a helping hand,
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