Oracle Connector 2518:17 - ERROR: Execute failed: IO Error: Unknown host specified

Hey everyone! I am new to KNIME and have developed the workflow above a few days ago. When I run the workflow manually, it works just fine. Yet, when I try to schedule it, I get the following error message:
Oracle Connector 2518:17 - ERROR: Execute failed: IO Error: Unknown host specified

Anyone got any tips on how to deal with such problem?

Thanks in advance! :grinning:

Hi @lsalamuni , (welcome to the KNIME community!)
Are you are using KNIME Business Hub, or KNIME Server to schedule it, or are you scheduling it “manually” on your pc using for example a Task Scheduler?

“Unknown host specified” means that the host name that you are trying to connect to cannot be resolved from the machine that is running the workflow. I imagine therefore that you are trying to schedule it on Hub or Server?

So it could be a firewall or network config issue with the remote server, as it will need to be able to “see” the database.

Occasionally, it could be the server has connectivity, but cannot resolve the host name (e.g. a DNS issue). Have you tried using the database ip address instead of the host name to see if it finds it then?

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