org.knime.product.KNIME_PRODUCT is not active

It’s been a long time since I came back.
We are rebuilding the KNIME development environment on a new PC.
First, I downloaded KNIME-SDK-SETUP and installed jdk- to run
Set file as Set As Active Target Platform, download dependencies, and open the setting of KNIME Analytics Platform.launch file. KNIME_PRODUCT is disabled as follows.

So when I open to set as Set As Active Target Platform, the following error occurs.

I am following the guide at GitHub - knime/knime-sdk-setup: KNIME Analytics Platform - SDK Setup and if there is anything I am missing, please let me know.

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Hi @syinkim,

I am sorry for the complications you are facing, I am working on getting the root cause fixed, however I have good news for you:
From your screenshot I can see that you have the master branch of the knime-sdk-setup project checked out. This is meant for developing extensions for the upcoming 4.4. release, and requires java 11 (see Preview KNIME AP 4.4 -- Java 11 & Eclipse Upgrade). As you have encountered today, this target platform can be a bit unstable.

If you want to develop plugins for released versions of AP you need to switch to the specific branch (e.g. releases/2020-12 for Analytics Platform 4.3), then set the target platform again.



Hi @gab1one.
I checked out the releases/2020-12 branch and I checked that it was running normally.
Thanks for the quick response.


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