Palladian is broken


it looks like the latest update to the Palladian nodes has broken something. This is on the latest KNIME 4.7.1 version.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but doesn’t fix the issue.

Update - Rolled back to version for now and that works as expected.


ERROR DistanceMeasureRepository            Problems during initialization of distance function (with id 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.utils.dist.HaversineDistanceFactory'.)
ERROR DistanceMeasureRepository            Problems during initialization of distance function (with id 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.nlp.dist.jarowinkler.JaroWinklerDistanceFactory'.)
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierPortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierPortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.FileBackedTextClassifierPortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.FileBackedTextClassifierPortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.AbstractTextClassifierPortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.AbstractTextClassifierPortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.ITextClassifierPortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.ITextClassifierPortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.FileStoreTextClassifierPortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.FileStoreTextClassifierPortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.port.LocationSourcePortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.port.LocationSourcePortObject$Serializer.
ERROR PortTypeRegistry                Could not create port object serializer for 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.port.LocationSourcePortObject' from plug-in 'ws.palladian.nodes': Plug-in ws.palladian.nodes was unable to load class ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.port.LocationSourcePortObject$Serializer.
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.math.APCalculatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node '' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.feeds.discovery.FeedDiscoveryNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierLearnerNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierPredictorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.HttpRetrieverNodeFactory2' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.feeds.parser.FeedParserNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.parser.HtmlParserNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.DatasetReaderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.ranking.RankingServicesNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierModelWriterNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.url.UrlExtractorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.url.UrlNormalizerNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.TextClassifierModelReaderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.url.UrlResolverNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.math.ThresholdAnalyzerNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.nlp.StringSimilarityNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.utils.LatitudeLongitudeToCoordinateNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.featureselection.InformationGainCalculatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.utils.TextClassifierModelToTableNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.classification.text.utils.TextClassifierModelPrunerNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.utils.CoordinateToLatitudeLongitudeNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.utils.dist.GeoCoordinateDistanceNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.HttpResultDataExtractorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.GoogleAddressGeocoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.MapQuestGeocoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.utils.FormEncodedHttpEntityCreatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.url.UrlDomainExtractorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.dist.ColumnDistanceNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.testing.EclipsePreferencesNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.utils.multipart.MultipartEncodedHttpEntityCreatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.preprocessing.scraping.htmltotext.HtmlNodeToTextNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.ngram.NGramExtractorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.corpus.CorpusCreatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.nlp.dist.tfidf.TfIdfSimilarityNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.date2.DateExtractor2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.content2.ContentExtractor2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.hash2.HashCalculator2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.retrieval.utils.oauth2.OAuthNode2Factory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.coordinate.formatter.CoordinateFormatterNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.coordinate.parser.CoordinateParserNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.extractor.LocationExtractor2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.source.geonames.GeonamesLocationSourceNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.source.local.LocalLocationSourceNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location2.reverse.ReverseLocationLookup2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.scope.ScopeDetectorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.imageprocessing.trim.TrimImageNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.base64.encoder.Base64EncoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.helper.base64.decoder.Base64DecoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.OpenCageGeocoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.geo.geohash.parser.GeohashParserNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.geo.geohash.creator.GeohashCreatorNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.location.GeoNamesGeocoderNodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.geo.mapviewer2.MapViewer2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager               Node 'ws.palladian.nodes.extraction.regex2.RegexExtractor2NodeFactory' from plugin 'ws.palladian.nodes' could not be created. The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
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Mh, this log output doesn’t contain any clues unfonrtunatly. Did you try the “clean” parameter after installation?

Hello @bobpeers,

same problem here. Could you please tell me how to roll back to the previous version?

Thank you,

Sure @lelloba , it’s not that easy to find IMO.

First remove the current installation. File > Install New Extensions.

Click What is already installed


Find Palladian and uninstall


Restart KNIME. Go back to File > Install new extensions and uncheck the Show only latest versions checkbox


Find Palladian and install the 2.7 version :slight_smile:

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HI @qqilihq ,

the clean parameter doesn’t help. I’ve attached the log if that helps.

knime_log.txt (3.2 MB)

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Thanks a bunch, bobpeers! I will have a look. Any further information which could be helpful to investigate this on my side:

  • operating system
  • other plugins installed
  • fresh install (i.e. 4.7 oder 4.7.1) or updated from previous KNIME versions?

Many thanks and sorry for the trouble!


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Sure :slight_smile:

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter


Upgraded from 4.7 to 4.7.1 (not recently)

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Awesome, thanks so much. I’ll keep you posted here!

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This is fixed in v2.8.1 - the issue was caused by a last-minute change regarding the JAR dependencies, which obviously caused trouble one some Windows environments. We’ve rolled back this change for now, as it’s non-functional and rather relevant for our internal processes.

Thank you again, @bobpeers ! I’d appreciate if you could give a final feedback if things are working on your end. :pray:


Hi @qqilihq ,

thanks for the quick response. I can confirm it’s working normally with v2.8.1. Great work :sunglasses:


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