[Palladian] Extension not installable

Good morning @qqilihq,

FYI - Knime 5.3 cannot find Palladian. Trying to use the 5.2 repo the additional hashing algorithms can but the main extension cannot be installed.


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Hey @mwiegand - thanks for the nudge (we’ve actually been in touch via email about this already :slight_smile: ).

To cut it short here: The update for the Palladian Nodes (which will actually be rather an upgrade with some new sweets) is “just around the corner” - I guess this or next week.

I will update this thread once it’s available.



Apologize for the misunderstanding. Since some Palladian and Selenium entirely were able to get installed, I assumed this was a new issue. Looking forward to get some “new sweets” :candy:

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urgent need palladian

I believe it will arrive next week. Since Palladian is a “external partner extension” it wasn’t able to catch up to the release schedule as far as I could conclude. No offense against anyone, deployment can be tricky.

If it’s absolutely urgent, I’d recommend downloading the prev. version:



I will hijack this thread for the announcement - Palladian 3.0.1 provides compatibility with KNIME 5.3.

:lollipop: :candy: :chocolate_bar: Besides, it brings the following treats: :chocolate_bar: :candy: :lollipop:

  • Sitemap Retriever: New node to read and parse sitemap XML file

  • Sitemap Finder: New node to find sitemaps for given URLs

  • Ranking Services: Re-add new node with new and updated ranking sources: BibSonomy, Facebook Link Stats, Google Cached Page, Hacker News, OpenPageRank, Pinterest, Reddit, SharedCount, and Wikipedia.

  • Web Searcher: Re-add new node with new and updated search engines for web pages, videos, images, and audio: Flickr, Google Programmable Search Engine, Hackernews, MetMuseum, Openverse, Pexels, Pixabay, Qwant, Reddit, Stack Exchange, Unsplash, Vimeo, Wikipedia, YouTube.

And several other changes, fixes, and improvements. The detailed changelog is available on NodePit: Palladian — NodePit

Just to draw a tangent from here: Selenium Nodes is already KNIME 5.3 compatible - no update needed for 5.3-compatibility.

In any case, if you decide to update to KNIME 5.3, make sure that your NodePit or Selenium Nodes update sites contain the version 5.3:

  • NodePit (incl. Palladian) https://download.seleniumnodes.com/5.3

  • Selenium Nodes: https://download.nodepit.com/5.3



:clap: :tada: :partying_face: :champagne:

Let me quickly compare your sitemaps nodes against my approach. Brace yourself … “feedback coming in” xD


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