Hi everyone,
I am kind of a newbie in KNIME and I have a question about parameter Mutual Information node. I want to calculate mutual information between a class(namely a miRNA, type double (-1.0,0.0,1.0)) and genes. I extend my previous workflow and I got "Execute failed: Could not find attribute-column with name “miRNA name” But I am giving every miRNA one by one and as configuration for the parameter mutual information node I checked always include all column option. Can you please tell me what my problem is ?
Hi goygokhan,
I have not used that node since years, but with an example data set (try with node “Example Data” and use Example Screen as data) it works for me.
Are you sure you have the right configuration? Try to do it without the Column List node… Could be that you miRNA is not in that loop!?
Hope that helps,
Thanks stoeter,
I realized that there is no need for Loop to use this node. Anyways my question remain unsolved and I think this could be thought as bug because I have those columns in my table and “Column List Loop Start” node takes the relevant column but this parameter mutual information node is not executing its task.
Hi goygokhan,
as I said, I cannot reproduce the error that you get. Without the input data and the configuration of the node, I cannot verify the error that you get, and I cannot work on a solution.
Therefore, you should not call it a bug, it could very well be that you are using some unexpected data or you are doing somthing wrong. Only, if you show that the node is doing something wrong, you should call it a bug. The information you provide here is not sufficient to track this (e.g. KNIME version, HCS Tools version, operationg system, …).
Where you able to run the node with the example data I suggested?
Hi Martin,
I got results from this node as a table and then I immediately remove the part that you see above. This node’s result is a pairwise table which contains all of the data. At the beginning I tried to calculate mutual information (MI) not using whole data. I have two table and I wanted to calculate the MI between one column(one by one) of a table with the whole 2nd table. At this stage I got a silly error,it says you dont have it(a miRNA name) but actually I have(checked). For this reason I asked this in this forum. Thanks for your kind help.
I have attached an example workflow which uses some dummy data to demonstrate how the node can be used in a “column list loop”. The thing is, the column needs to have the same name in each iteration to allow the node a configuration which is valid all the time. So you can solve it with renaming the current column with a common name and then to reset things back to the original name. Look at the workflow and try to adapt it. Let me know if you still have issues.
mutual-information.knwf (236.9 KB)
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