Parameterized Database Query node giving incorrect syntax error


I have 3 nodes: Microsoft SQL Server Connection, Database Table Selector, Parameterized Database Query

First 2 nodes work fine and I am able to see the results. But Parameterized Database Query node throwing the folloing error:
ERROR Parameterized Database Query 0:2570 Execute failed: Incorrect syntax near ‘)’.

SQL Query in Parameterized Database Query node is: SELECT * FROM #table#

Any help would be really appreciated!!


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Hi @nithinth7,
What is the table name that the placeholder “#table#” is substituted for? Does it maybe contain invalid characters? Have you tried or could you try the query with another database system, e.g. a simple local SQLite database? The error seems to come from Microsoft’s SQL driver, not from KNIME itself.
Kind regards

the #table# was actually another big query. The query replacing #table# is working fine when executing with knime database reader node, but throwing error when using with parameterized database query as #table#. So I am using the actual big query directly in the parameterized database query and it is working. No #table# involved in the query.

@nithinth7 oh, I see. I am glad it works now. Can I close this topic then?

The workflow is working for me, after the change. But I still don’t know why it is throwing error when using #table# as a place holder for another query.

@nithinth7 You want the placeholder to be replaced by a subquery? Maybe KNIME wraps it in quotes and that’s why it complains when it encounters a strange “table name” with parantheses?

Hello nithinth7,
the node creates a query with the input query as subquery such as
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM “inputTable”) as “table”.

Some databases such as Microsoft SQL Server do not support subqueries without a table alias. So if you change your statement to the default statement which uses a table alias e.g. SELECT * FROM #table# AS “table” it should execute fine.


Hi Tobias,

Sorry I didn’t understand your answer completely. Could you please give me an example?


Hello Nithin,
the “as t” is crucial since this table alias is required when using sub queries in MS SQL and #table# is replaced with the input query.




Thank you very much!! It solved the problem :slight_smile:


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