Patch Request Node response error 405 HTTP Method not allowed

I use the node Patch Request, it has been working well for many months.
No specific changes or updates. It now returns an error :
“message” : “HTTP method ‘POST’ not allowed for this resource.”

I tried the same parameters using postman, and it works fine.

has anybody come across this same issue ?
Thank you

Hi @bpoleselmazak ,

Maybe the node is deprecated… which version of knime are you working now? can you check it and see if you can upgrade do 4.7.4 IF necessary?

I passed from similar problem that could be solved with the upgrade.



Hello Denis,

thank you for your reply.
I tried on the latest 4.7.4 and I still have the same error unfortunately.

This is my node config,

It looks like your URLQuery field is of type ‘unknown’, as opposed to a string or URL. The clue is the question mark icon, which is always a warning sign. I would check your upstream data to see what has changed, such that KNIME has it defined as an unknown type.

Can you load a dummy example from your flow to see it? please, don’t reset at export process ok?



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