Hi @mwiegand , I was recently working on something where I had similar needs, so on seeing your post here I wondered about making a component for this purpose. I haven’t been able to test it against all of the KNIME path locations, and I know it will fail if presented with a path that ultimately doesn’t equate to a local/network folder location (e.g. a path to a hub resource) but for the type of use case I envisage where you want to expose the full path to a mapped drive, I think it works.
Never quite as good as having this baked into the node though, so I gave my vote to your suggestion!
I just faced this situation again when working with Path and wonder if this feature request will ever be integrated? Seeing the many requests in the category it seems the average vote count is rather low. So already having three votes could be considered high, can’t it?
@takbb I checked your approach and, whilst looking promising, I found it only works on one variable. Looping over several rows might be a nice addition. Furthermore, extracting the file separator via the Extract System Properties node might be nice as well.