PDF Report Writer Bug: Table Not Fully Transformed into PDF


I encountered an issue with the PDF Report Writer in KNIME when generating a report for a table that spans around 18-19 pages. In the KNIME Report Preview, all pages appear correctly, but when exporting the report to PDF, the transformation seems to fail. Specifically, the PDF only includes the first 15 pages, and the remaining pages are either cut off or not rendered properly.
I believe this is a bug, as the issue seems to occur during the conversion from the report view to PDF format. Has anyone experienced similar issues with large tables in the PDF Report Writer? Any suggestions or fixes would be appreciated!




Which version of KNIME are you using?
We recently noticed that there are some problems in 5.3 with cut off rows.
After some deeper investigation it turns out to be a combination of our setup and the chrome browser we are using to make this transformation you described. We opened bug tickets for the respective chrome problems and are currently looking into workarounds for the time being.

Would you be able to share the report and workflow that causes problems for you. (with dummy data of course)
This would help us greatly to make sure that we identified all of the problems and your use case is also working as expected.

Greetings and thanks,

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Hi Daniel,

Thank you again for taking my call. I’ve created some “dummy”/Funny information that should help replicate the issue. Specifically, the text should continue until line 194, but in the PDF I generate, it stops around line 155. This seems to demonstrate the bug with the PDF Report Writer.

I’ve also noticed a similar problem with the HTML Report Writer. When printing the HTML version, it only outputs the first page of the table. Additionally, the table that is compatible with this output is limited to the Table view node, as none of the Java tables seem to work. This has left me in a bit of a tricky situation in terms of flexibility.

I am working with a Mac btw, in case it would be platform specific

On another note, I think it would be very helpful if the Report Template Creator had an option to include page numbers for PDF. A simple page number over total pages (e.g., 1 | 100) at the bottom or corner of the PDF page would be a great addition and solve a lot of organizational issues for users.

No_way_why_so_short.knwf (94.5 KB)

Thanks again for your help, and I appreciate you looking into this!

Best regards,



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