Pin Footer to Bottom of Page in New Component Reporting


Wondering if anyone out there knows how(or if) one can pin a footer to the bottom of each PDF page.

  • I have a simple report that is just one table.
  • Above the table I have a title and logo image.
  • Below the table I have a footer with copyright and date info.

I would like the footer to be at the bottom regardless of how may rows are displayed in the table (ala BIRT style).

My guess is this might be a CSS trick but I don’t know how the new reporting nodes determine the pagination of the table.

Thanks for any pointers,

Hey @troy.smith,

I am not aware of a way to currently achieve this with the new reporting. It is something we definitely want to add to our native reporting functionality and I will add a +1 to the corresponding feature ticket for you. Sadly there is no timeline yet.



Thanks for the update Daniel. Looking forward to new reporting functionality, the dynamic nature so far is lightyears better than trying to keep a BIRT report duct taped together. :slight_smile:


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