Plot issues with Columns and data

I am trying to plot any Chart using below data, I actually want to display particular user like user_A is using the given application within the period of time.
Basically, i would like to plot Time on X-axis and would like to show the users in different colors using the applications in the form of bar chart.
If bar chart is not possible, i wish to plot using Line Chart using different colors.
Can someone please help me on this since i have tried many ways but not able to do so.

Thanks in Advance!!
Immediate response would be appreciated :blush:

Here is my table Example:

Under config, I’m not able to select all columns at a time like SQL, java, js etc on Axis

the chart that i built is:

Bar Graph which i got is: It is not showing the time values also!!

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I think you will need to Pivot and Unpivot your data a bit to achieve that. If you want a bar chart, you need to bin your data, as bar charts are meant for discrete data. A line chart over time would work. If you share your data table I can give it a try.
Kind regards,

Hi AlexanderFillbrunn,
I am a beginner to KNIME, i dont have an idea about pivoting, but i will try from my side.
Here, i have uploaded the example data:
example2.xlsx (8.5 KB)

I actually wanted to plot both Line and Bar Charts, but at this moment any one plot will also be helpful.

i would like to plot views something like below plots using my data:

Thanks !!
Please help

please find attached a workflow that shows the activity of users over time. However, because the days of activity are far apart and there are multiple values within some minutes on a day, that is not very well visible in the chart. You may want to think about the best way of displaying the data first.
Kind regards,

plots.knwf (16.7 KB)

Hey Alex,
Thanks for your immediate response :slightly_smiling_face:
Does same workflow works for Bar Chart if i will try to plot Bar Graph?
You mentioned in the previous post, we need to bin the data, just a confirmation.

Also, here is my previous example table through which i did not able to plot using all the column values.
example3.xlsx (8.3 KB)

Same above concept like, use of application users over time should display in both type of Graphs(line/Bar). Can u please help me in this as i’m stucked since long time.

Thank you,

If the table has the same structure, you can just load it into the workflow I shared to generate the line plot. For a bar chart you first have to know what you want to show on the x-axis. Minutes, Hours, Seconds? Then you can extract that info from the time column using Extract Date&Time Fields and use that instead of binning in your bar chart.
Kind regards,

Hi @armingrudd
I want to plot yyyy-mm-dd (present in my given example) on X-axis, and the count of users based on Application in the form of bars shown in the above Bar graph image.
I have tried with Line Graph like @ AlexanderFillbrunn suggested, but it is not visible good with my original data as well in the Chart.
Can u please help me in drawing the Bar Graph using above data(example2.xlsx) which i have shared in the above post.


Hey @Ipazin,
Can u please help me in Drawing Bar Graph based on Application Users over Time. If we can take only hours with minutes and seconds from Time Column will also be helpful!!
I have attached an example above.(example2.xlsx)

Thank you

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Hi there @janki656,

would like to but still still having hard time figuring out what you want to show with data from example2.xlsx…


Hi ipazin,
Please check my below plot which i tried plotting a bar Graph, but failed to do it. I am trying to plot a graph which can be seen like above image (barplot). Here, i would like to represent all users in the form of bars and Time on X-axis.
I have attached my workflow here:

Bar_example.knwf (26.1 KB)
example2.xlsx (8.5 KB)


Hi @janki656,
The x-axis in a vertical bar chart needs discrete values, but time is continuous. You have to create an appropriate nominal column in your data first.
Kind regards

Hi Alex,
In that case, how do i create an appropriate nominal column in my data.Any suggestions?
Also, please suggest how do i show only minutes or only seconds using my column below:
Please refer above data present in example2.xlsx in previoous comment.


you can use the Extract Date&Time Fields to get discrete fields from a time field.
Kind regards,

I have extracted it already in my workflow, but still i’m getting the error to plot bar graph. Please check my workflow above. Need you help


in your workflow you convert the string into a Date&Time, then back into a string of hour and minute and then into a time. But time is a continuous type. You need to remove the second String to Date&Time and use the field you create in the String Manipulation as category in the Bar Chart.
Edit: Also, you need to use “Sum” instead of “Occurrence count” as aggregation method.
Kind regards,

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Thank you. It worked for me :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you also please explain,what exactly Y Axis values are representing? I am unable to understand. Is it a manual range according to our data or something else? Could you please elaborate.

Thank you!!

for each minute in your data the workflow counts for each user how often the combination minute-user was observed. E.g. user_A occurs two times with minute 14:46, so the value is two.
Kind regards,

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Hi Alex,
Thanks a ton for your help!! It was helpful for me.
I am asking so many things sorry for that, but just curious to know one thing, Can we display date(dd-mm-yyyy) also in the Graph? Since for the user, it will be difficult to predict for which exact day, the time is showing on the Graph.


Hi, sure you can also display the date. Using the same method that you used to extract hour and minute, you can also extract day, month, and year and add that to your string in the String Manipulation node.
Kind regards,